Anniversary Special $40,000 Bingo

Anniversary Special $40,000 Bingo

March 15-16, 2025

Rivers Event Center at Wildhorse - 46510 Wildhorse Blvd.

Two-day Anniversary Bingo Special is Paper and Machine. Machine buy-in now, Paper buy-in is at the door. 

Cost is $200 for two-days of play.

$1,000 awarded for each game | 20 games per day/session | cash bar available

Games will be called at a slightly slower pace. Warm Ups are available and are a separate purchase at the door. 

Doors open at 11am for ticketholders, all others may enter at 12noon. the Main Session at 2pm. Machine availability is limited and not guaranteed to be available at the door. You must be 18 years of age to play Bingo. You must be 21 years of age and have valid ID to purchase/consume alcohol. There are no refunds or exchanges. 

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